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A dark comedy skit about the Grim Reaper, and one of the many types of jobs he gets, on a daily basis. This short film looks at the accidental death of a man, who took one too many sleeping, health and fitness pills to try and beef himself up. Little did the poor man know that the deadly concoction he gave himself would bring him face to face with the Grim Reaper. Although he tries to bargain for his life, it doesn't seem to work, and not in the mood to drag out the job any longer than it needs to be, the Grim Reaper enthusiastically helps the guy make his death look a little more dramatic and meaningful to appese him.

Our Story

In 2016, right after university, the No Input Productions team was formed, with our first ever project Crossing Over in the works. This production took a little over 2 years to complete and was released around the spring of 2019. 

During those two years, our made extensive research into what would help create the film in its entirety, and even looked into the possibility of creating a web-series to add to the narrative of the story. It came with much discussion, and with great attention to detail. Eventually, we managed to create a crowdfunding campaign that helped us budget the film at a very low...



Despite the large sum, for those of us still starting out as filmmakers, this was considered a "micro-budget" for others. As filmmakers ourselves, we are still learning and adapting to the changing technologies, filming techniques and styles, as well as the theory and academics behind the film industry.

We do still hope to create a web-series, from Crossing Over, but until we've gained enough experience, and funds, that dream is yet to come true.

Meet The Team

The Promotional Material

After the conception of Crossing Over, we needed the funds to actually create the film. We decided, after some time and debate, to rely fully on crowdfunding, and as graduates, it shouldn't be that hard to gain the money. Naive as we were, we still manged to raise the funds, to finally create the film. How did we do it? We did it with some of the promotional materials you see below.



Indiegogo Campaign

As we were using Indiegogo for our crowdfunding, as well as the goodwill of family and friends, we created a promo book, to compile all the information they'd need, to understand what the vision of Crossing Over was. You can download it for yourselves and read through it, to see what our vision for Crossing Over is.

The Future Vision

We still very much aspire to turn Crossing Over into a web series, complete with different character arcs and story arcs that revolve around the organisation of the Grim Reaper hierarchy, and what makes some reapers more successful than others.

We'd love to play around with the idea there is a business-like monopoly that recruits and employs souls to be Grim Reapers, as part of their "community service" or as an alternative to their "final destination".

Unfortunately due to the lack of personnel and funding, our vision will have to be put on hold.

If you're interested in helping us create this web series, please contact us! We'd love to have you on board, and hear your opinions. Just fill out the contact form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Contact Us

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